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Valhalla Fall Ball

November 4, 2023

What is a Military Ball?

The traditions of the “Military Ball” can be traced back to the Roman Empire, The Vikings, and into medieval times.  The American tradition finds its roots in 1776 when General George Washington institutes these formal occasions for the Continental Army.  Today, all services of the military practice elaborate versions of military balls often called "Dining-in", "Dining-out or a "Ceremonial Mess".  Each service has their own customs and ceremonies which teach the Junior members the traditions and codes of honor for their branch.  Valhalla Veterans Services practices this time honored

celebration to create a welcoming place where Warriors can engage with each other and with those outside the Warrior Community in a positive and fun way.

Rules of the Mess

This ain't your Grandma's fancy gala....  

You should know what you are getting into before you buy your tickets! 

We have rules and protocols and Mr. Vice will make sure they are followed. 

Click below for more information.

If you are part of an organization that serves Warriors, we invite you to have a vendor table for free, so our Warriors know about your services. 

Register as a vendor below.

Would you like to become a Sponsor for the Valhalla Fall Ball? or Donate a raffle item?

Click the button below.

Buy your ticket to the Valhalla Fall Ball here! 


Dress Code

The rule of thumb is... It's Formal.  You wear the absolute best that you have.  Police and EMS (same as military) are expected to wear their formal attire.  Male civilians wear a tuxedo or equivalent while ladies wear a full gown.  Veterans may wear miniature medals on a black jacket.  For more information click the buttons on the side.

Valhalla Veterans Services Inc.  |  1 (833) 467-3838  | 2754 Jackson Street Scranton, PA 18504

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