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How can we serve you?
One-on-One Counseling
Post-traumatic stress
Reintegration into community
Suicidal ideation
Group Counseling
We are involved with WP2P, NA, and AA groups for veterans.
Relationship Struggles
Suicide Intervention Training

A Soldier's Story
The Real Impact
I was introduced to Valhalla Veterans Services at a presentation called, “The Deadly Recipe of Warrior Suicide”. The presentation was engaging and kept my attention. It gave me a better understanding of why we, as warriors, are so prone to suicide. At the end of the briefing, we were required to make the pledge, “I will never kill myself” to the other members of the unit. I took the VVS business card and stuck the card on my refrigerator. I had no idea that I was about to be the one who needed that card.
Time passed, I lost my job, and was facing divorce. I felt like I had no hope. It that there was no point in going on. I went to the bedroom, loaded my shotgun and started walking outside. As I walked past the refrigerator, the VVS card caught my eye, and I remembered the promise I had made. I paused for a moment. I was confused. I couldn’t believe that I was going to kill myself. It had all happened so fast. I called the number on the card. The counselor talked to me and was able to help me get to a point of safety. He made an appointment for me for the very next day and told me that even if my insurance didn’t cover the sessions, I would never be charged because VVS had grants specifically to cover it.
Every week I went to the appointment and I never paid a dime. Valhalla Veterans Services saved my life because they took the time to educate me and then engage me at the lowest point of my life.
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